Port Industry

International trade is growing steadily each year and this fact increases dramatically the number of commercial exchanges. In the port industry, ships are growing bigger to carry more containers in each shipment to reduce fuel consumption applied to each TEU. Therefore, logistics operators need bigger port cranes with better operational features. R&D initiatives in port cranes are aimed to have higher, faster, more efficient and safer cranes. Development of communications technology helps to implement remote control systems in this new generation cranes.
The trend is to implement an automatic crane system in the port industry with the following advantages:
Automatic crane system – Coordination through remote control technology
Ergonomic: Operators don’t need to stay in the crane cabins far above the ground. They can stay in a control room more comfortably following up the operations. This shall improve physical pain, postural sickness and as consequence absenteeism of employees.
Productivity: Automatic features of cranes run the loading and offloading operations through a real time control system. This system is based on accurate positioning of vehicles, remote cameras procedure surveillance, real time pendulum motion correction, high-accuracy landing and optimized stowage plan for the shipments. All of these features, implemented within a real time control system that manages smartly all this inputs, allows port cranes to perform a more efficient, accurate and faster loading & offloading operation.
Safety: The number of people involved in lifting operations is decreasing dramatically as the remote control technology improves. Thus, safety is highly positive impacted as prevention of accidents due to fall of loads onto people.
Remote Hooking – Mandatory feature of a remote control crane
Automatic cranes should have an automatic crane hook to ensure an accurate, quick and safe hook on/off operation by remote control. The automatic hook, as the elebia auto-hook solution, generates a magnetic field that couples to the ring or other fixing device and closes the hook, by remote control which is secured by cryptographic keys to avoid non-intended use or malicious uses.
This hooking system shall work properly, quickly and safely as a fundamental part of the automatic crane system to ensure the good performance of the whole system. Therefore, it is mandatory to choose a reliable auto-hook solution as elebia hooks.
What do our clients say?...
..."In port services, minimising the ship’s stay in port, is of vital importance ..."
..."By using the elebia system, we obtain savings of 50% at time of loading and unloading ..."
..."We are seeing reduced absence from work due to injuries or chronic illness and minimising movement and manipulation..."
..."The image of our company is clearly improved by using the most advanced technical means available..."
..."Every minute saved is money..."
The combination of the elebia safety hook and the remote control simplify steel processes making them safer and faster.

When it comes to wood applications the elebia system enhances safety in the loading and unloading process thanks to the the combination of the automatic hook and the remote unloading of the slings.

The paper roll handling process is now 50% faster with the combination of the elebia automatic hook and hybrid slings. No chains or hooks with a safety latch are necessary as the safety hook allows a remote release of the cargo. The crane is no longer the bottleneck of the operation!

The process of handling steel is dramatically improved thanks to the elebia system. The elebia automatic hook allows to remote release and to engage without even touching the hook.

Thanks to the automatic hook's design, it is not necessary for the operator to manipulate the hook. The operator can use both hands to insert the handles, making the process faster and safer. Once the bigbag is on the ground, with a push of a button the elebia automatic hook will open, releasing the bigbag.